With the wonderful holiday break between semesters, I have been able to pull out my sewing machine and do some sewing! I'm currently working on an
apron, although it seems my pockets may not turned out quite as scalloped as they should. I'm guessing by the time I get the fourth side pocket sewn on it may be semi-scalloped. Unfortunately I haven't taken any pictures of my progress, I'll have to do that, but I'm super excited about the fabrics and how it will look when it's finished. I also made a sewing machine cover for my mother-in-law, who got a new sewing machine for her birthday. This was my first time to "quilt" something and use bias tape, and for a first time and not really following any instructions I'm quite happy with how it turned out and the things I learned along the way. I didn't take any pictures of that while it was in progress, either, but here is one of the finished product being used:
The little one is sleeping and while I have a project to work on, I also have Netflix and believe being a vegetable sounds pretty good right now.