Saturday, March 14, 2015

Special Saturday - NTTBF

Last Saturday I spent the day at the absolutely amazing first annual North Texas Teen Book Festival (Twitter - @NTTBFest) with my amazing librarian mother-in-law.

We didn't make it into either of the ticketed events, but the panels were amazing! I tweeted some of the highlights from the ones we went to (first two panels I mentioned instead of hashtagged, but I'll learn one day):

And while this was happening...
the wonderful photographer that donated his time and talent to the event took this picture (caught her stumbling on her words!):
To sum up,

While we didn't stay for any signings, we did hear from a lot of authors that are now on my to-read list, and I received some inspiration to keep on with what I'm doing. It was also really cool to hear them talk and see that they are just (mostly) normal (and incredibly funny) people. I don't know if events like this even existed when I was in school, but I think I would have loved them, and they are a great opportunity for the "young adults" out there to meet some amazing authors! I absolutely loved this event and WILL be going again.

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